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2 Minute Jiu Jitsu Ep.60: Defending The Loop Choke
Easy way to defend the loop choke
2 High-Percentage Loop Choke DEFENSE (Must-Know Techniques)
Turn and Tuck! Defend the loop choke in GI Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!
Loop choke escape
Loop Chokes Please! (Basics on How the BJJ Loop Choke Works)
Cross Collar Loop Choke Defense by Stephen Whittier
Loop Choke Defense Part 2: Countering After Legs Come Around You
The Easiest Way to Submit Strong Stalling Opponents
BRUTAL Loop Choke counter to bull fighter pass You NEED To See
Defending The Single Leg In Jiu Jitsu With A Loop Choke!
How to avoid the loop Choke in Jiu Jitsu